Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Today's best reads
Zbig Smacks Down Mornin' Joe On Talking Points Memo. Already on my Reader list.
Pharyngula - one of my regulars
Why do people laugh at Creationists YouTube video playlist.
Now, I'm off to do a little shopping.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Pavement 9
One of a series.
I have been working on a photo project merely for the purpose of forcing myself to look carefully at whatever is before me. I gave myself the assignment to photograph pavements. I try to get some every time I go out with a camera.
Pavements are so mundane that a strong image relies entirely on composition - there is little of inherent interest in the scene. I hope I'm getting images upon which someone (other than myself) will spend a minute.
Follow the photo link to the rest of the series.
Love and monochrome,
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Back to School
I got rejected! *SOB!* OK, just kidding.
After reading some of the material they pointed out to me, I have to agree with them. So, I'm thinking about what to do for the next shoot.
Composition And Impact
Are You Taking Snapshots?
Love and persistence,
Monday, December 22, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Why I love the internet
My response:
Of course (and it has probably been pointed out already) the uneducated character of the negative response could be further evidence for evolution - after all, it is a somewhat sloppy process and leaves behind a multitude of structures for which atrophy is a good solution.
Yers, wandering in the Forest of Probabilities,
Webography for 2008-12-18
1.1 Electric-car race could strain lithium battery supply
1.1.1 Interesting article. Has some links I hope to follow in more detail.
1.2 Thomas Friedman
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Our holiday letter
Dear family and friends,
I hope this finds you in good health and good spirit.
It’s been a good year for us. We are well and reasonably prosperous.
Jenna (the incomparable grandchild) started kindergarten this September. She is an enthusiastic student because, I think, she is a very socially oriented person. She is also well endowed with chutzpah. Her teacher reports a talent for leadership. Somrak has the most interesting conversations with her; I hear about them in the evening. The child can think circles around any two of her adult relatives.
Supaporn, “Nam Som” is busy at Cal State University East Bay (formerly Hayward State) majoring in Psychology. She is on the fence between pursuing an MD or PhD after graduation. She is the academic power player of the family.
Suchira, “Nam Peung” is trying to keep up with Jenna. She plans to return to school at Diablo Valley College next term for either Pediatric Nursing or Early Childhood Education, it seems to change weekly. She does have a special ability to relate to young children.
David is also planning to return to DVC this next term for computer science. He is living in Pleasant Hill. He works in retail, for now; I’m waiting for his help in retro-fitting my pick-up to plug-in-hybrid electric.
Jitladda, “Nam Wan” is currently working full time in our hair salon. She looks likely to take over the business in the future when we retire. She completed her AA at Diablo Valley College this spring, in business. She and some friends bought a house last year in San Leandro – so far they seem to be doing pretty well.
Somrak is enjoying a hemi-semi (1/4) retirement. She spends some time at the salon, but mostly answers the phone and pushes the customers towards the daughters. She frequently has her driver (yours truly) take her on tour around to various scenic spots of the Bay Area. We are planning to visit the Grand Canyon in April, next year, for our 15th anniversary.
I am keeping busy watching construction work for Kleinfelder, Inc. I just completed a project for PG&E in San Francisco. I’ve been busy with my cameras, mostly landscape photography. I’m looking for weekend work photographing weddings and events. I’m also starting a project making portraits of people at their work.
We ask for blessings of joy and prosperity for all of you for the next year.
Photon Addicted

My best way to die would be in my own bed, surrounded by the people I love. Second best would be with my finger pushing the shutter release.
Scott Bourne on the intangibles of photography
Love and light,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
A Failure, in Principle
Many years ago, while in the halls of Academe, I was taught a technique for photography that I only occasionally remember: "start close then work outwards". In this case I failed to do so. I got this shot, which I like, but I am unsatisfied with the rest. I spent about 30 minutes at this one tree.
This was shot in Tassajara Ridge Regional Wilderness, near San Ramon, California.
Love, and exposure,
Friday, December 12, 2008
Cat Logic
100; // marker
GET XItem;
IF XItem = food EAT()
ELSEIF XItem = toy PLAY()
ELSEIF XItem = comfy NAP()
GOTO 100;
} // CatLogic
Love and felinaphilia
Today's model
Love and pixels,
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Am I as serious about this as I thnk?
I hope that the opportunity returns, but I fear that Fate has a harsher lesson for me.
All is not lost, however, I did take the opportunity to photograph Raymond Jacobsons's 1934 Dodge Coupe on Monday afternoon. That almost got away but for some last second haste on my part.
Love and regret,
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Monitor Calibration
Love and chroma,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Thanksgiving at our house.
Someday. We keep promising ourselves.
Love and peregrination,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Vacation - Day One.
Love and paces.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Nearing the end of the commute.
Love and fatigue,
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wat Buddhadhammadharo
Love and reverence,
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Plug In Hybrid Pickup Truck
StephenHFoster Beamish boy and I are planning to hybridize my Toyota Tundra. May take a few years.
See www.Calcars.org for some of the seeds of this idea.
Retro-fitting pickups, vans and SUV's would have a greater impact on reduction of FF (fossil fuel) use than the new, small hybrids.
DavidJHFoster I suggested pulling out the back seat of the cab (calling it a seat is GENEROUS) and replacing it with a battery farm.
StephenHFoster Large vehicles = plenty of space for the battery farm (how do you like that term).
DavidJHFoster This way he can run the truck while on the job site without even starting the gas engine.
StephenHFoster The IC (internal combustion) engine can operate at it's "sweet spot" the one speed with optimum efficiency.
DavidJHFoster Also Solar cells on the roof to charge said battery farm, the truck does spend a lot of time parked in the sun.
StephenHFoster The target group of vehicles typically has a higher total miles demand for an average day, so a hefty battery farm is called for
DavidJHFoster The rear seat could easily house 8-12 standard car batteries, though we should probably mount non standard battery packs
Probably a good idea to use the same thing standard hybrids do, only more of them.
Battery technology is changing pretty fast.
DavidJHFoster Reading something about the use of regenerative braking systems in pure electric cars, might be worth looking into.
An additional advantage of the solar cells on teh truck would make it possible to plug the truck into the house.
Pumping power into the house when the truck sits unused for extended periods. Also great for power if it was used to go camping.
Saves money even when not being used!
StephenHFoster The use of PHEV's for electrical surge capacity has been discussed on CalCars. PG&E is exploring an economic model to do that.
Regenerative braking would be standard. Railroads have been using it for decades
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Day Job
Behind me is excavation for an underground high-voltage power line in San Francisco.
Love and industry,
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
The Sky Is Falling
I am disappointed that Prop 8 seems to be passing. I really do not want the law to have that kind of authority in my life. Perhaps in a year or so it will be time to counter with another proposition:
"The State shall have no authority to limit participation in marriage except to limit it to adults."
Of course this opens the door to marriages of more than two people. Ok, no problem, we are talking about adults here; it them becomes the concern of contract law.
Love and opening the flood gates,
End of the Race 2
I think we hit a home run this time.
Love and halleluia,
End of the Race
McCain just gave the most gracious concession speech I've ever heard. The guy really is a stand up dude. Now let's see how well the president elect does.
Love and amazement,
Apres Vote
Love and democracy,
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Lincoln Highway
Lincoln Highway Association
James Lin - Lincoln Highway
My challenges will be finding a year or two to spend on a trip and convincing Madam that she would survive a trip through desolate Nevada and Utah.
Love and wandering
Infrared Film
I ran an exposure comparison test using the D200 and got an approximate 9-stop adjustment for the R72 (infrared) filter. The image came out black because the digital sensor is not sensitive to infrared.
Normal black and white film is slightly sensitive to infrared, and I've had some interesting effects show up when using the R2 (red) contrast filter. I had shot a test roll of HIE last year with the F3 starting at an assumed ISO=12, I think. I'm not sure I got usable results - though some frames came out.
Tonight, when it's dark, I'll lock myself in the bathroom with the house lights off and load another roll into the F3. I'll post here again when results are up on Flickr.
See also: Wikipedia-Infrared
Love and exposure,
Buddhist Thought
It's your supposed home, your home in the world.
As for your real home, that's peace.
The Buddha has us build our own home
by letting go till we reach peace."
-Venerable Ajahn Chan
Photo taken by cell phone at Wat Buddhanusorn, Fremont, California.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
In the middle of...
Set in China during the early 1970's. A sweet and funny story.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I'm Published
Also installed at bottom of the page. My photo is in the listing for the Napa Wine Train
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Presidential Ambition
I also likened the US capitol to a quarantine facility; as would be state capitols, and on down to the school board.
Under present circumstances I've reason to modify my thinking. Any one without powerful ambition would decline the job with all the crises popping up by the minute. So all the politicos grasping for power don't worry me quite as much - somebody's got to do the job.
Love and kisses,
PS. I'm putting my mark next to Obama's name.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Jumping in - Prop 8
OK, about Prop 8:
It is titled "The Defense of Marriage Act." If passed it would limit the definition of marriage in California to one man and one woman.
Well, my marriage is doing fine, thank you. I've been married to Madam for almost fifteen years, now.
I see the situation quite the opposite of the proponents. I need to verify the following assumption (vague memory?): at one time, in the past, my marriage would not have been permitted. I am Caucasian, my wife is not. At one time there was a line between adults who were permitted to wed and those who were not. Proposition 8 would put the line back - albeit in a different position, for now. Where the line stands is not the problem - the problem is the existence of the line.
Telling me that my marriage won't possibly be in that kind of trouble, we are civilized people, after all, won't wash. I claim the right to marry whom I want, along as he or she is an adult and agrees to it. The marriage format of everyone else poses no threat to mine - I do enough of that myself by failing to keep my mouth shut at the right time.
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About Me
Blog Archive
- Today's best reads
- Pavement 9
- Lunch
- Wat Buddhanusorn
- Madam, destroying a crab
- Back to School
- A new addition to my Google Reader list
- Why I love the internet
- Webography for 2008-12-18
- Our holiday letter
- Photon Addicted
- A Failure, in Principle
- Cat Logic
- Today's model
- Am I as serious about this as I thnk?
- Monitor Calibration
- Thanksgiving food
- Thanksgiving at our house.
- Here is an interesting place to go...Museum of Ret...
- Vacation - Day One.
- Nearing the end of the commute.
- Wat Buddhadhammadharo
- Plug In Hybrid Pickup Truck
- The Day Job
- The Sky Is Falling
- End of the Race 2
- End of the Race
- Apres Vote
- The Lincoln Highway
- Bradley Effect
- Infrared Film
- Buddhist Thought
- In the middle of...